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Peru vilka zinc mine project's exploration progress


Canada Tinca Resources Inc. (Tinka resources report their in Peru Ayatollah Vail card-making (ayawilca) project in 2015 the last eight drilling exploration results. The company has completed the construction of 23 boreholes, the total footage of 8917 meters.
See the best of the mine is 6.8 meters thick, zinc grade 8.2%, indium 0.0117%, silver 12 g / ton. In addition to the mine 4 meters, tin grade 2%, copper grade 0.23% and silver grade 7 g / ton.
Zinc ore bodies are not penetrated, especially to the South and northeast. The company's goal is to obtain drilling permits before the second half of the year.
Latin (Latin Resources) announced that the company resources in Peru Yiluodong (Ilo Esto) project drilling results.
The first drilled from the surface to the depth of 366 meters, the average grade of copper 0.11%, gold 0.11 grams / ton, the highest copper grade 0.37%, gold 1.2 grams / ton.
The company believes that this is a large porphyry copper deposit, but also requires a lot of drilling work.
Shi Zhen Resources Inc. (Liontown Resources announced its in Zambia Mohan plus (high grade Lithium Tantalum mineralization found Mohanga) project for the first time trenching.
See ore situation:
4 meters thick, lithium oxide grade 4.93%, tantalum oxide grade 0.1862%;
2.3 meters thick, lithium oxide grade 1.79%, tantalum oxide grade 0.0712%;
6 meters thick, tantalum oxide grade 0.0407%.
The company plans to further investigation, including: obtaining and trenching, the government recently completed airborne magnetic and radiometric data.

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