mining news

Mill solutions to common problems in normal operation


1.Repair mill wear parts
Mill roller body and liner wear during use, once with the gap will increase the wear between the body and liner, coupled with the hot surface of cement particles and the continuous erosion, resulting in the generation of trench , resulting in impact collision occurs between the body and the liner, the liner makes serious cracks or fracture, damage to the machine, especially damage to the gearbox, resulting in serious incidents.

Once such problems occur, the general repair methods are difficult to solve, replace costly. Polymer composites excellent mechanical properties and good plasticity, makes solved the problem.

2.Mill roller bearing chamber wear repair
 Mill roller assembly requirements more stringent bearings, businesses generally use dry ice to cool the bearing on the way the assembly. Once a gap occurs between the bearing and the bearing chamber, it will affect the normal operation of the bearing, resulting in bearing fever, severe burning phenomenon will cause the bearing. Salvo Blue technology is fast, simple and easy to operate features, many cases can be repaired on site.



3.Mill Reducer leakage control
Mill Reducer leakage not only affect the appearance of the machine, and waste oil, repairs and maintenance of equipment to cause a lot of trouble.3223 fast cure materials with rubber repair materials can not shut down, the site of the leak to govern, simple operation, good control effect.

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